Welcome to Mallarmé School!
School at home 2021
Cours 6°
School at home 6°4
School at home 6°5
How are you?
The date
The weather
Classroom English
School rules
Asking for permission
I have forgotten...
Let me introduce myself
The British Isles
Countries and nationalities
Introducing a friend
What... do you like?
What do you like doing in your free time?
What school subject do you like the most?
Let me introduce myself
Cours 5°
School at home 5°4
School at home 5°5
Révisions Basics
The Grammar Corner
Let me introduce myself
What's your personality?
What do you usually do? What do you like doing? What can you do?
Introducing someone
Describing someone
The comparative
The superlative
Le Prétérit
Verbes irréguliers 5°
Cours 4°
School at home 4°5
School at home 4°6
Révisions Basics
The Grammar Corner
Talking about the past
Prononciation du "ED"
Verbes irréguliers principaux
Verbes irréguliers à connaître par coeur
Let me introduce myself
What's your personality?
What do you usually do? What do you like doing? What can you do?
Introducing someone
The comparative
The superlative
The passive voice
What were you doing when it happened?
Have you ever...?
What has just happened?
Powtoon Videos
Grammar in videos
Révisions pour The Big Challenge
Escape games
Liens utiles
Let's have fun
Défendre les valeurs de la République
Le Superlatif 4°6
6° Vendredi 30 avril
Le Superlatif 4°5
Mercredi 28 avril
Vidéo Powtoon d'explications du Superlatif
Doc de travail
Work well!!!
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